Saturday, January 30, 2010

Love Dare Challenge - Day 21

Yesterday was not a good day.  I got so frustrated with Hubby and everything else for that matter.  Nothing was going right at work, my daughter was sick with an ear infection, I wanted to get to the store and wasn't able to due to work and the sick one.   I never even got to read yesterday's dare, let alone complete it! After work, I was still frustrated with hubby and annoyed with him. So, when I finally decided I had to go to the store to get the prescription, I remembered an earlier dare and picked up something for him while I was there.  After doing so, I felt much better.

The Lord will continually guide you, and satisfy your desire.
—Isaiah 58:11

There are no coincidences and these dares are just driving home the point.  I've been wanting to read the Bible regularly, but just haven't been making the time for it like I should be.  So, I'm going to be working on that, starting today.

 Follow others that are doing the Love Dare by checking of Mama to 3 Blessings' post and Linky.


Sherri said...

that is a great story and example!
I am so excited with how much the love dare has spread through the entire house!
Thanks for stopping by my blog...I am excited to read more on yours!=)

Confessions Of A Homeschooler said...

Its awesome to hear you are persevering even when you don't "feel" like it! Don't worry, I've had many days myself, but its great to see God at work in this process too, keep it up :)